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Sol-Immune Gold

Sol-Immune Gold

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Sol-Immune Gold combines 17 different all-natural clinically proven ingredients into one product!

Sol-Immune Gold is the most effective collection of premium ingredients on the planet to support an animal's immune system. It includes Turmeric, CO Q 10, Spirulina, Aloe Vera and more. These ingredients work synergistically to achieve stellar results. Sol-Immune enhances mitochondrial production, improves oxygen utilization, and supports detoxification thru the use of cutting edge ingredients. Plus its a powerful anti-inflammatory!

Sol-Immune Gold builds off of our success with Sol-Immune. We have added Turmeric and adjusted the proportions to make it even more potent. Turmeric might be the most effective nutritional supplement in existence. Many high-quality studies show that it has major benefits for your body and brain. It has been used in India for thousands of years as a spice and medicinal herb. proven to be a key player in fighting against cancer and raising the immune system!

Arabinogalactan: While Arabinogalactan and its constituent parts are common in nature, the commercial extraction is taken from a Larch tree. It is a water soluble fiber and supports immune competence. Arabinogalactan is a long chain polysaccharides containing arabinose and galactose mono-saccharides. Arabinogalactan is actively fermented by intestinal micro-flora and is effective at increasing beneficial anaerobes such as those in Pet Flora.

PectaSol-C© (a registered trademark of EcoNugenics©, Inc) is modified citrus pectin composed of short non-branched carbohydrate chains derived from the peels of citrus fruit.

Zeolite (Clinoptololite): Formed when lava meets sea water. The negative charge naturally alkalizes the body by balancing pH and enhancing the body’s digestive processes which are more efficient when the rest of the body maintains its alkalinity.

Bromelain: is a protein-digesting enzyme, sourced from the pineapple fruit. This fascinating compound has traditionally been used as a potent anti-inflammatory and anti-swelling agent. Because it’s an enzyme, bromelain helps the body digest food and absorb nutrients more efficiently, as well as being extremely effective at healing issues in the gastrointestinal tract.

CO Q 10: Made in the USA by Kaneka, it is present in virtually all cell membranes and tissue in the body. Since it is a critical co-factor essential for the production of cellular energy. CO Q 10 positively affects all aspects of physiology, including immune function.

Ascorbyl Palmitate: A highly bioavailable, fat-soluble derivative of ascorbic acid. Ascorbyl palmitate possesses all the benefits of vitamin C, but unlike the water-soluble form, is able to be stored in the lipid cell membrane until the body is ready to put it to use.

Active-Aloe (200:1): window refractance dried): All the immunological activity of fresh aloe is concentrated in Active-Aloe. It is preserved by a unique low heat process, retaining all the fragile elements of the aloe plant.

Most Aloes are heat processed, high heat (pasteurization and/or autoclave methods) break down the constituents in Aloe that are the most valuable for healing. Our Active Aloe is the leading aloe vera for purity and biological activity. \n \nAloe Vera has so many uses and is so highly regarded.

Blue Green Algae: Known for its immune benefits. Alphanizomanon flos-aquae (AFA) improves macophage response without over-stimulating the immune system. Therefore, it is an incredibly valuable addition to any immune enhancing program. Note: Our AFA is continually checked for Microcystis and has no detectable levels of Microcystis.

Vitality Science Pet Flora: A proprietary collection of soil-based organisms, probiotics that suppress yeast and fungi, reduces acidity, and improves nutrient assimilation.

Bio Core Complete: BioCore® provides targeted solutions to a variety of digestive problems. From digestive discomforts to different dietary regimens, along with basic digestive support to the delivery of specific nutrients; BioCore® products and blends offer some of the most innovative enzyme blends on the market.

Lactoferrin is a naturally occurring protein that is found in milk and bodily fluids. It is a potent anti-microbial and modulator of the immune system.

Zinc-carnosine: Formed by chelating zinc to carnosine in a one-to-one ratio. This process of bonding ions and molecules makes the combination three times more potent than the individual components alone. By itself, zinc is already very beneficial for optimum digestive health. It is the second most abundant naturally-occurring mineral in the body necessary to numerous functions and biochemical reactions. L-carnosine, on the other hand, has strong antioxidant and tissue-healing properties. It also helps transport the zinc carnosine to problematic areas in the gastrointestinal tract where it can take effect. Together, these two components are known to be a force to reckon with – helping to improve the body’s cell function, digestion and immune system, among others.

Serrazimes: Serratiopeptidase, also known as serrapeptidase and serrapeptase, is a protease originally found in the gut of the silkworm. It is produced by the bacteria Serratia marcescens. This protease has been the subject of much research and its use has grown in Asia and Europe. Studies support serratiopeptidase’s benefit in supporting musculoskeletal, cardiovascular and respiratory health.

Vitamin K2 is necessary to convert a critical bone-building protein called osteocalcin. Osteocalcin is a necessary protein that helps maintain calcium homeostasis in bone tissue. It works with osteoblast cells to build healthy bone tissue.

Turmeric: Maybe the most effective nutritional supplement in existence. Many high-quality studies show that it has major benefits for your body and brain. It has been used in India for thousands of years as a spice and medicinal herb.

Liver Powder: Fresh from hormone-free Argentinean Beef Liver, from Argentinian natural grass fed cows. These cows have never been on feed lots and freely roam the Pampas. Plus it is a flavor well liked by cats and dogs.

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